Currently CelebGate primary domain is:
Celebgate is a website that has nude photos of more than 3000 celebrities. It is uncensored and has all the videos and pictures of the fappening leaks.
This website is not connected with Celebgate. It is just an information page about the original website!
Direct links to the most clicked sites:

The fappening stars
A list of the best known leaked celebs:
The history of CelebGate
According to WayBackMachine celebgate was launched on October 26, 2005. Al least this is the first backup did. You can see how the website looked back that day below.A lot of popular names already online back then. Playboy model Pamela Anders, Paris Hilton and Denise Richards where already been online. Even The Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco had a gallery 14 years ago! Well done guys.

Screenshot of the first CelebGate V1
We do not know if the website was online long before WayBackMachine made the first backup, but 14 years were already a long run! Over the time more than 3000 celebrities, according to Google search results, have been uploaded. I think Britney Spears is the celeb with most uploaded pictures. She has more than 1100 photos in her gallery!
The most clicked picture I have found is a leaked nude picture of Lena Meyer-Landrut. It has more than 872k views! If you find a picture with more views, let me know.
Top 100 all time chart in 2006:
If you compare the all time charts of 2006 with todays you will not find a lot of stars that are on top now. The first well known celeb is Paris Hilton (place 14). You can also find Christina Aguilera (22) and Heidi Klum (29). It looks like people are searching for stars which are part of the meantime media only.Celebrities how did a nude photo shooting for the Playboy or got hacked during the fappening iCloud leak are not at the top of the chart. I guess i do not have to explain why *g
Chart of October 2006: